4.3 Types récursifs
fichier source
(* 1.3.1 Tri par arbre binaire de recherche *)
type 'a bin_tree = Empty | Node of 'a bin_tree * 'a * 'a bin_tree;;
(* exercice 1 *)
let rec ins_abr f x t = match t with
Empty -> Node (Empty, x , Empty)
| Node(left, y, right) -> if (f x y) then
Node(ins_abr f x left, y, right)
Node(left, y, ins_abr f x right);;
(* exercice 2 *)
let rec abr_of_list f l = match l with
[] -> Empty
| x::tail -> ins_abr f x (abr_of_list f tail);;
(* exercice 3 *)
let rec list_of_abr = function
Empty -> []
| Node(left, x, right) -> (list_of_abr left)@[x]@(list_of_abr right);;
(* exercice 4 *)
let tri_liste f l = list_of_abr (abr_of_list f l);;
(* 1.3.2 Fonctions polynomes *)
type exp =
Const of float
| X
| Somme of exp * exp
| Produit of exp * exp
| Puiss of exp * int;;
(* exercice 5 *)
let rec str_of_exp = function
Const(x) -> (string_of_float x)
| X -> "x"
| Somme(left, right) -> "("^(str_of_exp left)^ "+"^(str_of_exp right)^ ")"
| Produit(left, right) -> "("^(str_of_exp left)^ "*"^(str_of_exp right)^ ")"
| Puiss(left, n) -> "("^(str_of_exp left)^ "^"^(string_of_int n)^ ")" ;;
(* exercice 6 *)
let rec image e x = match e with
Const(c) -> c
| X -> x
| Somme(left, right) -> image left x +. image right x
| Produit(left, right) -> image left x *. image right x
| Puiss(left, n) -> let rec fast_exp b = function
0 -> 1.
| n -> if (n mod 2 = 0) then
fast_exp (b*.b) (n/2)
fast_exp (b*.b) ((n-1)/2) *. b
fast_exp (image left x) n;;
(* exercice 7 *)
let rec derive = function
Const(_) -> Const(0.)
| X -> Const(1.)
| Somme(left, right) -> Somme(derive left, derive right)
| Produit(left, right) -> Somme(Produit(derive left, right), Produit(left, derive right))
| Puiss(left, n) -> Produit(Produit(Const(float_of_int n), derive left), Puiss(left, n-1));;
(* exercice 8 *)
let rec degre = function
Const(_) -> 0
| X -> 1
| Somme(left, right) -> max (degre left) (degre right)
| Produit(left, right) -> degre left + (degre right)
| Puiss(left, n) -> degre left * n;;